Comedians and funny entertainers can light up an event or party. Witty banter and some funny jokes will always set the tone and move away from maybe the serious speeches or break the ice with guests who maybe had a tough day at training or other company evident. Comedy is a sure way to give your guests something to remember whether it’s a joke they thought was hilarious or maybe a guest that decided to heckle, bad idea! Never challenge the guy with the microphone!

We work with some of the best comedians in the business from across the globe. Comedians can work on a simple 5-10 minute piece to enhance your eventing or they can host you entire evening with witty comments, admirable knowledge or just plane and simple, they are just funny. Not all comedians are for everyone so it is worth talking to us and we will advise what will work best for your event and who may be available.

Comedians like Dara O’ Briain, John Bishop, Adam Hills, Billy Connolly, Michael McIntyre, Lee Mack etc are all fantastic but the budget is important here. If you have the budget then no problem but comedy is one of those areas that people don’t realise the cost involved. If they are funny, then they are usually famous, that all means they aren’t going to be cheap! If on a budget then it may be best to not look at big name comedians.

Also there is a variety of comedy styles, audience interaction, dark humour, musical comedy with parodies, genre specific comedy and clean good fun jokes which in our opinion is the unbeatable type of comedy. It’s just funny! Our comedians are open to all sorts of dance work also, meeting some of your guests, maybe setting up situations, hidden cameras etc.

Drop us a note today to discuss your comedy requirements for your next event.