Comedy Entertainment Dubai

Comedy Entertainment is alway a big hit. If you want to entertain your guests and present them with an evening of high quality entertainment then a variety of comedians is the right way to go. You want to deliver over and above expectations. You want something different to the usual routine, drinks, dinner, band, home! It has become a little dated and we believe that with a little creativity we can bring far better events to your guests.

Recently we have noticed our clients are looking for something less ordinary, particularly awards ceremonies and corporate events. Comedians can add a flare of character to the awards and bring a light hearted atmosphere to something that can occasionally be a work chore! We suggest hosting your very own exclusive comedy night and invite staff, clients, suppliers and anybody you feel you want to impress with an evening of comedy entertainment.

There seems to be a growing trend moving away from the old format of corporate events. Creative companies and forward thinking bosses are asking us to put together some ideas and more often than not they want to lose the formalities and host a more casual evening that will be remembered. A mixed bill of comedy entertainment has become popular in Dubai and this has shaken up the traditional format a little. More and more are asking us to put these together and we’re happy to say we have not had an unsuccessful one yet.

Dinner and reception is out and the comedy entertainment becomes the core of the night. As mentioned this can include awards or other important information but instead of boring your audience with speeches and extra work info, we suggest a format that spreads brings it into a more fun environment. Almost like being at a night in the Apollo with some work included!

The sit down meal becomes a more casual, street food style environment. We can bring the street food to your venue. Many times its more tasty than the 5 star dinner and the lack of comfort in a formal evening makes it more difficult to get the best from your event. It becomes a more casual evening to network and enjoy work colleagues, clients and suppliers.

Yes, this does mean committing your evening to a full package of comedy entertainment but we can mix it up. You can put your entire budget into one big name, we can bring names as big as Michael McIntyre, John Bishop, Kevin Bridges, Omid Djilali or we can spread it across a wide variety of comedy acts and styles to guarantee something for everyone. Some like dark comedy, some are more into the silly comedy and of course we love the clever one liners! Two, three or even four comedians with a fantastic host MC will deliver an unforgettable evening of comedy entertainment.

Your guests are the main concern and they need to be involved from the get-go. We will discuss your requirements in full, talk about your audience and guest profile. Then we can make some informed suggestions on who will work best for your event. We will work with your budget and bring comedians from overseas or locally so we don’t need the costs of flights and hotels.

Talk to us today about your comedy entertainment requirements in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or anywhere across the Middle East.

Character Actors for Events

Character actors, event paparazzi, fake security, little people for events (dwarf characters), the new trend for events in Dubai. Contact us today to discuss your thoughts and character actor requirements.

Dubai Party Bands strive to be at the forefront of event entertainment. We provide “on trend” entertainment for events and work hard to stay on top of this. As with every industry, trends change, new additions come along and old ones disappear. On a weekly and sometimes daily basis we are meeting with new entertainers, new acts, the next big thing or the next trendy performance that is going to take the corporate entertainment and event industry by storm.

Experience over many years and knowledge of our corporate event market has given us the best insight into what will work best for our event clients. We meet with acts, discuss their performance, vet their entertainment ability, check out their performance and then decide whether we should add them to our entertainment roster or not. Some are good enough and unfortunately some are not! We are working for our clients to ensure the best in entertainment.

Recently we have been approached by many character actors and we feel they can add great value to events. If you want event paparazzi to wow guests on arrival, fake security to search guests as CIA agents, Russian spies for a James Bond theme night, football hooligans, fake loud American cousins or even a drunk waiter, these are all potential options for our character actors. The options are really only limited by your imagination and our new characters have acting backgrounds so you know they can deliver an epic performance.

Above are some suggestions but we can supply character actors, look-a-likes and pretty much any character you require. If you can imagine it and its not an unrealistic costume or request then we can ensure delivery of a high standard character actor for your event.